Bebe Miller & Thomas Hauert Residency No. 2 / Final Filming

Bebe Miller & Thomas Hauert

Residency No.2 & Final Filming

Both artists and their dancers took part in overlapping residencies (3-11 January 2013) at The Ohio State University. Two days of each residency were dedicated to motion capture and discussion specific to each company's working process and choreographic methods. This discussion built on the two earlier residencies (Miller Residency No. 1 and Hauert Residency No. 1) and would inform the ACCAD score team's discoveries and visualisation possibilities. This schedule gives an impression of topics and working rhythms.

On the white board is the theme Re-dux, which is included in the MEMORY topic in the TWO project scores. Photo: Scott deLahunta

As described before combining cinematographic techniques for 'zooming in' on specific body level phenomenon with computer graphics based on high fidelity 3D motion capture data is a key aspect of the TWO creative team's approach. During these residency and final filming days, the 3D recordings took place in ACCAD's optical Motion Capture Lab. The high quality film recordings were made using RED digital cameras, the film crew was assembled by Electric Orange Media (Lily Skove & TJ Hellmuth) and the filming took place at The Ohio State University Thurber Theatre.

TWO project film crews setting up in Thurber Theatre, The Ohio State University. Photo: Scott deLahunta

The filming setup in the Thurber Theatre included a camera dolly track system and cameras mounted overhead. Monitors were placed below the stage so the team could watch exactly what the 'eye of the camera' was picking up. The short video impression to the right here shows a recording of Darrell Jones performing 'risky weight' one of Bebe Miller's 'tendency' principles that can be explored on the TWO project score website.

Video: Scott deLahunta

The perspective of the overhead camera makes it possible to study movement phenomenon from another angle. Here in the video impression are Mat Voorter, Thomas Hauert and Sara Ludi practicing the 'careful scientist' one of Hauert's exercises designed to 'surpass the movement patterns that have become habitual.' The topic HABIT in relation to Hauert's work can be explored in depth on the TWO project score website.

Video: Scott deLahunta

3D Motion Capture recordings also make it possible to study movement material from any angle one chooses. The TWO project team has created an extensive blog detailing many studies using the motion capture data. Two useful starting points for this are Risky Weight in Bebe Miller's work and Building an Algorithmic Model of the Careful Scientist.

Also available on the blog is a report of animation students working with the 'careful scientist' data to create a variety of digital studies. 

Screen shot of one of the vimeo recordings on the TWO project blog.