Motion Bank Brochure & Logo Generator

Motion Bank Brochure & Logo Generator

12 October 2011

In the summer of 2011, Motion Bank put together a 41 page brochure describing the content of the project and featuring contributions from all partner institutions. The Brochure was first distributed at the press conference just before Deborah Hay's Guest Performances. Editing: Scott deLahunta, Saskia Martinez & Célestine Hennermann; Design & Setting: Florian Jenett, Amin Weber & Mathias Bär; Translation: Barbara Christ & Tim Schroder; Printing & Binding: Druckerei Imbescheidt GmbH & Co. KG.

Download a PDF version of the brochure here.

The Motion Bank Logo Generator by Florian Jenett & Amin Weber.

Brochure Cover Design: Amin Weber