Dance Education Biennale 2012

Dance Education Biennale 2012

Frankfurt am Main

The Dance Education Biennale 2012 Frankfurt am Main (6-12 March 2012) was organised by Education Partner the Frankfurt University of Music and Performing Arts. The focus of this 3rd Biennale was CULTURAL HERITAGE in DANCE. Motion Bank participated through the organisation of a round table on dance archives, convening the 4th International Education Workgroup meeting and taking part in the weekend symposium.

Ingo Diehl & Claudia Jeschke (Education Workgroup members). Photo: Jessica Schäfer

The 2 hour meeting on the theme of "Digital Dance Archives" was organised on 7 March to report on the current state of affairs with existing projects (e.g. Siobhan Davies Replay, Digital Dance Atlas, Round Robin Project, etc.) and prospective (in process) archives (e.g. Bausch, Forsythe/ Motion Bank, Bebe Miller) and to share knowledge and experience. This was a short session with the aim to establish a workgroup or network that could take the issues forward (List of attendees and meeting notes available here).

Dietrich Krüger, Marc Wagenbach & Salomon Bausch. Photo: Jessica Schäfer

A 2 hour meeting of the Motion Bank Education Workgroup took place on 11 March. The meeting was considered a direct follow up to the Salzburg Education Workgroup Meeting organised by Claudia Jeschke and colleagues last November 2011. A key question to be discussed: "How to use an e-learning platform as a reference space for studying and understanding these emerging (artist-led) resources?" 

Motion Bank International Education Workgroup. Photo: Jessica Schäfer

The meeting produce three proposals for the future: 1) organise laboratory bringing together perspectives from dance education, artistic research and higher education; 2) put together a joint funding application (e.g. through HERA); 3) set up a single site where all existing and emerging projects can be referenced.

(Only the first of these three proposals has been realised in the form of the Choreographic Resources Laboratory organised during Motion Bank Workshop No. 4.)

Dieter Heitkamp, Artistic Director of the Biennale. Photo: Jessica Schäfer

Motion Bank also participated in the final symposium with a keynote: Scott deLahunta on 'Digital Tools' (talk notes & graphic) and a lecture: Freya Vass-Rhee on 'Promising research, questioning education: The Dance Engaging Science Workshops'. Both of these talks were developed into written chapters for the Biennale publication: pARTnering documentation: approaching dance. heritage. culture. Editor: Edith boxberger & Gabriele Wittmann Publisher: epodium Verlag (2013).

Freya Vass-Rhee lecturing at the Symposium. Photo: Jessica Schäfer